About the garden
The Coastal Garden

James Purdy
James Purdy is an award-winning garden designer and chartered architect. James struck gold at his first appearance in Bord Bia Bloom 2016 and again at Bloom 2019.

Garden Designer Tips
James’ top tips for maintaining your coastal garden.

Hero plant 1: Ilex aquifolium 'Nellie R. Stevens' (Holly)
This holly produces glossy dark green leaves that are more smooth than spiky, and white flowers in the spring, red berries in the autumn. Position: Full Sun. Height: 1.5 m – 3 m (4.9 ft – 9.8 ft) Spread: 1.5 m – 4 m (4.9 ft – 13.12 ft)

Hero plant 2: Anemone × hybrida 'Honorine Jobert'
A perennial with white flowers, tinged pink on the underside. Flowers mid-summer right through to autumn. Common name: Japanese anemone. Position: Full sun, partial shade. Flowers: August, September, October Height: 90 - 1.20 cm (3 - 4 ft) Spread: 45 - 75 cm (1.5 - 2.5 ft)

If you are lucky enough to view the sea from your garden keep hedges clipped to the preferred height for viewing, privacy and protecting from wind.
Perennials should be planted in a naturalistic style. Dig beds and add compost prior to planting.

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