Beauty & The Beast The Musical Garden

- Cornelia Raftery
- Bord Gáis Energy Theatre
- Visit Website
About the Designer
Cornelia Raftery studied product design at the National College of Art & Design before moving to London to work as a product and exhibition designer. A keen gardener, she followed her dream to become a landscape architect when she returned to Ireland and has since worked on a variety of projects, from small private gardens to public parks, community regeneration schemes, and large corporate projects.
She is a member of the Irish Landscape Institute and the Teaching Council of Ireland. This is Cornelia’s second Bord Bia Bloom show garden. She won a gold medal for GOAL’s Garden For Women in 2018.
Garden Overview
Disney’s Beauty & The Beast is reimagined in this colourful show garden designed by Cornelia Raftery and sponsored by Bord Gáis Energy Theatre. It plays on elements of the Disney stage musical, showcasing the bewitched castle’s grounds and highlighting the enchanted red rose at the heart of the story.
The rose can be viewed at the centre of the garden, safely guarded under a glass globe within a pavilion surrounded by red roses. These taper into petal-shaped beds to represent the falling rose petals in the fairy tale.
The contrasting plants and colours throughout this garden reflect the colour scheme of the stage production. Mixed perennial beds of blues, purples, and greens illustrate the overgrown nature of the bewitched castle and allude to the enchanted prince. Roses in a variety of pink, peach, cream, and white symbolise Belle’s arrival at the castle.
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The contrasting plants and colours throughout this garden reflect the colour scheme of the stage production.