About the garden
"Family Friendly Garden"

Maeve O'Neill
Maeve O'Neill is a landscape architect, sculptor, former art teacher and design fellow in UCD and founder of Realise Landscape Architects. She has won a number of awards at Bord Bia Bloom including a Gold Medal in 2019.

Garden Designer Tips
Maeve’s advice for creating a family-friendly garden.

Colour palette
Aim to work with the selected perennial plant list as any additional seeds and bulbs will be threaded through these plants. Don’t go too wild with the colours of the seeds and bulbs that you choose. Too many clashing colours can make a garden look disjointed.

Planting plants close together minimises the amount of weeding you will need to do.

Hero plant 1: Liquidambar styraciflua 'Slender Silhouette'
Prized for its autumn colour, Liquidamber 'Slender Silhouette' is a conical specimen tree, with dense, alternate, maple-like leaves colouring though orange to brilliant purplish red in autumn. Position: Full sun/Partial shade. Height: 12 metres Spread: 2.5-4 metres

Hero plant 2: Salvia nemorosa 'Caradonna'
This perennial Salvia with aromatic leaves narrow grey-green leaves, bears multiple upright spikes of intense violet- purple flowers throughout the summer. Position: Full sun or part shade. Height: 0.1-0.5 metres. Spread: 0.1-0.5 metres

Explore Design
Border Focus
This border suits an aspect that gets sun for a large part of the day and brings colour and structure to the view from the windows. A vibrant raised bed encased in Cor-ten steel acts as a focal point when viewed from inside the house, while softening and screening the patio behind it. The green and purple tones of the grasses and Alliums in the foreground work well with the tones of the two trees behind, an Amelanchier and a Liquidambar both which provide colour in spring and autumn. The grasses include the golden wheatgrass, Stipa gigantea 'Gold Fontaene’ and the Japanese grass Hakonechloa macra with its lush green foliage, provide texture and movement along with sound, adding to the sensory experience.