The Raising Amazing Garden by Tusla Fostering
Garden Sponsor

About the Garden - Medium Concept Show Garden
Children and young people in need of foster care require a nurturing space offering safety, love, and support. This garden, a magical space with delicate structure and naturalistic planting, is a metaphor for the foster carer. The child/young person is placed at the centre of everything, where they are cared for and encouraged to grow in confidence and self-esteem to reach their full potential.
The garden is conceptual in design with a flowing spiral layout radiating out from a central space. This peaceful area, partially enclosed within a screen of softly coloured delicate rods, provides a gentle connection to nature. The screen is not a solid barrier therefore the user will feel safely embraced in the seating area yet able to view and connect with the garden beyond. Here they can reflect on a focal sculpture within the naturalistic and softly structured planting scheme.
About the Designer
Designer Information
Linda McKeown is a professional horticulturist and garden designer and member of the Garden & Landscape Design Association, with more than 20 years’ experience in the industry. Based in Belfast, she designs private, public, and commercial garden spaces, combining modern structure with naturalistic planting to enhance a building’s architecture.
Linda is currently studying for a Diploma in Social and Therapeutic Horticulture and works with adults with learning disabilities within a horticultural environment. This is her fifth show garden for Bord Bia Bloom. Her previous gardens, many of which were designed with an inclusive and accessible message, have won numerous awards.
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