Eat Well Kitchen and Garden
Bord Bia promote potatoes, fruit and vegetables as part of a sustainable and healthy diet in line with the Department of Health dietary guidelines.
Eat Well Garden
The Eat Well Garden sets out to show the importance of the potato crop to Ireland, with potatoes being our most popular main meal carbohydrate. The most important potato crop varieties are grown in the garden which reflect household purchasing in Ireland. As such, Roosters represent c.65% of the planted area of the potatoes grown. The rest of the garden contains the most important fruit and vegetables grown in Ireland with crops as diverse as salads, leafy greens, roots, summer berries, mushrooms, herbs, orchard fruits and honey.
Eat Well Kitchen
The Eat Well Kitchen aims to show the public how to take local nutritious fresh produce and turn it into exciting and delicious meals, across all meal occasions. During Bloom the chefs in the Eat Well kitchen will be cooking up incredibly tasty and simple recipes using locally grown in season fresh produce. Drop in on one of our demos and add another meal to your home cooking repertoire!
Bord Bia and the Irish industry are currently supported by EU funding across specific fresh produce campaigns. These campaigns aim to show people how to turn potatoes, mushrooms, fruit and vegetables into convenient meals to share with friends and family. To learn more visit our information marquee nearby.
Look out for our full range of delicious recipes on-line on our campaign websites:

Schedule of Events
Click below to view the schedule of events at the other stages. Why not save this to your device ahead of the festival!